
The Honorable Elijah Muhammad when alive only gave some of his followers divine names. The Messenger is no longer with us and Master Fard Muhammad may not physically return to the Lost-Found here in the Hells and Wilderness of North America. In order to accept your Own: you must give up the white man's god; the white man's religion; and the white man's name.

If AFTER studying The Messenger’s teachings you accept Allah, Who came in the Person of Master Fard Muhammad, to Whom Praises are due forever, as your Saviour and The Honorable Elijah Muhammad as His Messenger…


You have chosen the name Allah or one of Allah’s divine attributes as your family surname based on the fraction of Allah that is within you (who you truly see yourself to be)…


You are prepared to declare to the devil that you are no longer his property (giving up the devil’s name, religion, and god)…


You desire to be registered in an official capacity.

Registration Checklist