
Pittsburgh Courier

Which one will survive the War of Armageddon

The American So-Called Negroes’ Salvation Is In Islam The Only True Religion Of God

  • By Clark Wakil
  • 0 Comment(s)
  • Jun-16-2024

Listen to The American So-Called Negroes' Salvation Is In Islam The Only True Religion Of God: THE POOR people called Negroes, who are not Negroes but descendants of the Tribe of S

Which one will survive the War of Armageddon

The So-Called Negroes Salvation Is In Islam The True And Only Religion Of God (Part 2)

  • By Clark Wakil
  • 0 Comment(s)
  • Jun-12-2024

Listen to The So-Called Negroe's Salvation Is In Islam The True And Only Religion Of God (Part 2): THE BIBLE should not have been given to our poor people, (the so-called Negroes)

Which one will survive the War of Armageddon

The So-Called Negroes Salvation Is In Islam The True And Only Religion Of God

  • By Clark Wakil
  • 0 Comment(s)
  • Jun-09-2024

Listen to The So-Called Negroe's Salvation Is In Islam The True And Only Religion Of God: THE NUMBER ONE principle of belief is that your God is ONE God, and beside Him you have no

Which one will survive the War of Armageddon

Salvation For The So-Called Negroes In Islam

  • By Clark Wakil
  • 0 Comment(s)
  • Jun-05-2024

Listen to Salvation For The So-Called Negroes In Islam: I DON'T have to say to the so-called Negroes that hell is for them in the white man's Christianity. They know it and have ex

Junior Fruit of Islam soldiers standing at attention while saluting


  • By Clark Wakil
  • 0 Comment(s)
  • Jun-02-2024

Listen to Untitled: "Will the Old World accept the New? No, the Old World will not accept the New. Therefore, the Old must be destroyed. And the nations were angry, and Thy wrath i

Which one will survive the War of Armageddon

Islam For The American So-Called Negroes (Part 5)

  • By Clark Wakil
  • 0 Comment(s)
  • May-29-2024

Listen to Islam For The So-Called Negroes of America (Part 5): "Behold I. (Allah), make all things new, and He said unto Me, write: "For these words are true and faithful. Bible (R