And Mix Not Up The Truth With Falsehood, Nor Hide The Truth While You Know


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Don't hide the truth when you know it
  • By Clark Wakil
  • 0 Comment(s)
  • May-22-2024

Listen to And Mix Not Up The Truth With Falsehood, Nor Hide The Truth While You Know:

The Holy Quran is a great book when it is understood. The above verse warns against mixing TRUTH with falsehood, as it is the policy of the devils. But, nearly all the religious leaders of Christianity are guilty of mixing up the DIVINE TRUTH with falsehood. They are really confused, thinking and planning against the TRUTH, trying to hide falsehood. They mixed up the TRUTH of the Bible so much that today they admit someone has tampered with the book. The Bible now teaches against evil and for evil. For instance, it says that we should not drink strong drinks; wine is prohibited in some places and in others it says that it is good for us.

The TRUTH must triumph over falsehood, as day triumphs over night. When we deny the truth it shows that we love falsehood more than truth. If we fear to speak the truth for the sake of falsehood, this is not only hiding the truth, but is actually showing fear and distrust in the Divine Supreme Being. His Wisdom and His power.

This hiding and mixing the truth with falsehood because of fear of the enemy (devils) is taking a great number of our people to hell with the devils.

IT IS NATURAL for one to fear that of which he has no knowledge. However, when truth and Knowledge are made clear to you as you find is being done today in this column, you have no cloak for your fear. Your mixing up TRUTH with falsehood is only because you fear your enemy (the devils).

“IT IS NATURAL for one to fear that of which he has no knowledge. ”

Allah (God) doesn't care for us when our fear is greater for our enemies than for Him. Allah says: "Me, and me alone, should you fear. Believe in that which I have revealed, verifying that which is with you, and be not the first to deny it; neither take a mean price for my message; and keep your duty to Me, and Me alone." (Holy Quran 2:40-41)

Once the so-called Negroes drop slavery (Christianity), and accept Allah for their God, and His religion (Islam) Allah will remove their fear and grief, and they will not fear nor grieve any more.

IT IS A shame to see our people in such fearful condition. "The fearful and the unbelieving shall have their part in the lake which burns with fire and brimstone which is the second death" (Rev. 21:8).

The devil whom they fear more than Allah (God) was not able to protect himself against Allah; therefore, his followers shared with him the fire of hell. Though they had suffered one death (mental-death), and by fearing the devils and rejecting the TRUTH, they suffered a physical death, which was the final death. The devils know that they have deceived the world with their false religion (Christianity). The devils are so afraid that ISLAM is going to give life and light to the so-called Negroes that (they sit and watch over them (the so-called Negroes) day and night.

Reprinted from the Pittsburgh Courier. March 9, 1957

The Honorable Elijah Muhammad


God Clark   A Fraction of Allah in the Person of Clark Wakil
One of the Gods of this Universe
Fulfilling My Duty as a Black man by Focusing on Self Preservation

Senior Consultant to the Kingdom of Islam

Clark is a senior consultant to the Kingdom of Islam. There is no big I's or little u's in Islam. Clark is always on the look out for Muslims acting like Christians. Clark is a member of the 12th Tribe, The Ruling Tribe; not to be confused with the 13th Tribe, or the God Tribe. Clark does what Allah ask him to do. Allah trust Clark a lot. Clark likes to rule what Allah brings into existence and Clark does it fairly. Clark is easily known. Clark was put away for a period of time, however that time period is over now. Clark has many things in life not working in his favor, however this is a sign to the wise. When Clark is able to lift himself up from the mud of devil civilization; why can't you Black man? Clark and others of like mind are the ones that we have been waiting for. As Michael Jackson said, look at the "Man in the Mirror".

When there is time to relax I enjoy watching mixed martial arts, playing a game of chess, and occasionally a good movie or TV show. When I am no longer fulfilling my duty of leaving a family legacy behind; I will have returned from which I came. Back to the negative free zone of the Sun. Remember there is plenty of time to rest when you're dead. Until then; Up You Mighty Black man and Accomplish what You Will!



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