The Hereafter


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An depiction of a stairway to heaven.
  • By Clark Wakil
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  • Mar-17-2024

Listen to The Hereafter:

AFTER WHAT? Maybe the question asked. The HEREAFTER means after the destruction of the present world, its power and authority to rule. The Bible and Holy Quran Sharrieff are filled with readings on the HEREAFTER of which I will leave to you to read for proof.

This subject wouldn't be necessary if it were not for that Man of Sin being permitted to RULE.

Since he (they) was given ruling authority to try him (them) for 6,000 years, the word "Hereafter" is used meaning: after the present rule of the Man of Sin, because his (theirs) time is LIMITED to a certain time 6,000 years. Some say, after the judgment, after the Man of Sin and his people have been judged and sentenced to death. May I say here, that this present world was sentenced to DEATH when the Man of Sin was made and all who follow him. "Whoever of them will follow you, I will certainly fill hell with you all." (Holy Quran 7:18) The Bible says: "These both were cast alive into a lake of fire." (Rev. 19:20). The Man of Sin and his people deceived the righteous by making them believe that he (they) claims one father is the father of all, while that is not true.

We all look forward to a HEREAFTER, to seeing and living under a ruler and a government of righteousness, after the destruction of unrighteousness. The people of the Man of Sin (the devils) even are worried, disgusted, dissatisfied with their own world and wish to see a change to a better world; but they desire to be the ruler in that better world. The HEREAFTER, some believe after the GREAT WAR of ARMAGEDDON, or HOLY WAR.

A religious war between the two great religions of the earth and their believers namely: ISLAM and CHRISTIANITY, of course BUDDHISM will also be involved. The HEREAFTER; there the righteous will make an unlimited progress, peace, joy and happiness will have no end. War will be forgotten, disagreement will have no place in the HEREAFTER. The present Brotherhood of Islam is typical of the life in the HEREAFTER, the difference is that the Brotherhood in the HEREAFTER will enjoy the spirit of gladness and happiness forever in the Presence of Allah. The earth, the general atmosphere will produce such a change that the people will think that it is a new earth. It will be the heaven of the righteous forever; no sickness, no hospitals, no insane asylums, no gambling, no cursing and swearing will be seen or heard in that life. Fear, grief and sorrow will stop on this side as a proof. Everyone of us who accept the religion of Islam and follow what God has revealed to me, will begin enjoying the above life here.

“Islam is heaven for my people”

I never felt the like before. Islam is heaven for my people, they will see their god in truth, the righteous meet and embrace them with peace (As-Salaam-Alaikum.)

The life in the HEREAFTER is an image of the spiritual state in this life. Just think how good you feel when in the Divine Spirit for awhile, you are so happy that you don't feel even the pain of sickness, no trouble or sorrow, and that is the way you will feel always in the next life.

We, the so-called Negroes who accept Allah and Islam will reap this glorious joy and happiness. You will be clothed in silk interwoven with gold and eat the best of food that you desire. This is the time when you enter such life, for your God is here in Person, and you will never be that which you cannot be any more, after believing in Him. My people have been deceived by the arch deceiver in regards to the HEREAFTER. They think the HEREAFTER is a life of spirits (spooks) up somewhere in the sky, while it is only on the earth, and you won't change to any spirit beings. The life in the HEREAFTER is only a continuation of the present life. You will be flesh and blood. You won't see spooks coming up out of graves to meet God. No already physically dead person will be in the HEREAFTER, that is slavery belief, taught to slaves to keep them under control. This is taught also so that they won't be thinking over the wealth of their slavemasters while under the slavemaster. The slave is made to believe his will come after death, and his master knows that death settles all, and that you can't return to tell him whether he lied or told the truth.

Read the Scriptures carefully on the life in the Hereafter, and you try understanding it, and you won't find that it actually means what you have been believing. No one is going to leave this planet to live another. You can't even if you try. You can't reach the moon and live on it so be satisfied and believe in Allah, live where you are on this good earth, but be righteous.

I must quote these beautiful verses here of the Holy Quran, it says: "0 soul that is at rest, return to your Lord, well pleased with Him, well pleasing, So, enter among my servants, and enter into my Paradise" (Holy Quran 39:27-30).

Write Muhammad's Temple 2; Illinois, 5335 So. Greenwood Ave., Chicago, Ill., and join up with your own.

Reprinted from the Pittsburgh Courier. October 13, 1956

The Honorable Elijah Muhammad


God Clark   A Fraction of Allah in the Person of Clark Wakil
One of the Gods of this Universe
Fulfilling My Duty as a Black man by Focusing on Self Preservation

Senior Consultant to the Kingdom of Islam

Clark is a senior consultant to the Kingdom of Islam. There is no big I's or little u's in Islam. Clark is always on the look out for Muslims acting like Christians. Clark is a member of the 12th Tribe, The Ruling Tribe; not to be confused with the 13th Tribe, or the God Tribe. Clark does what Allah ask him to do. Allah trust Clark a lot. Clark likes to rule what Allah brings into existence and Clark does it fairly. Clark is easily known. Clark was put away for a period of time, however that time period is over now. Clark has many things in life not working in his favor, however this is a sign to the wise. When Clark is able to lift himself up from the mud of devil civilization; why can't you Black man? Clark and others of like mind are the ones that we have been waiting for. As Michael Jackson said, look at the "Man in the Mirror".

When there is time to relax I enjoy watching mixed martial arts, playing a game of chess, and occasionally a good movie or TV show. When I am no longer fulfilling my duty of leaving a family legacy behind; I will have returned from which I came. Back to the negative free zone of the Sun. Remember there is plenty of time to rest when you're dead. Until then; Up You Mighty Black man and Accomplish what You Will!



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