Master Fard Muhammad Teachings


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Danger Educated Black Man
  • By Clark Wakil
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  • Dec-10-2023

Listen to Master Fard Muhammad Teachings:

Greetings to you, I am Elijah Muhammad, The Preacher of Freedom, Justice and Equality to the so-called American Negro. Not a Negro, but the Lost and Found Members of a Great Nation, The Asiatic Black Nation from the Tribe of Shabazz. We have been lost from our own kind and from our country, for the past 400 years until the coming of Almighty God, in the Person of Master Fard Muhammad in 1930, July the 4th. It was around the spring of 1931 when that he made himself known to us. HE WAS NOT A PEDDLER OF THE KIND OF MERCHANDISE THAT YOU HAVE HEARD THAT HE WAS. He got among us, by taking orders for made-to-measure suits for men folks. And He finally began to teach those who would take an order from Him. That was a very slow progress that He was making at that time, until that He began to get acquainted with more and more of our people. And finally I happened to get to him. And when I saw Him, I said to Him, myself, after looking at Him, it came to me that this is The Man that the Scripture prophesied of that would come in the Last Day, called the second-coming of Jesus or The Son of Man or God in Person.

So I mound my way to Him, and I'd taken Him by the hand. He shook hands with me. And I told him, I said, "You are the one that the Bible prophesied of that would come in The Last Days, The second-coming of Jesus. And some is sent to be the Son of Man. And as I spoke to Him, He says to me in my ear, "Yes, I am He that they have been looking to see for the last 2,000 years, but who else knows that. You are the only one that knows it. So keep quiet." He ordered me to keep quiet. For the next two or three years He refused to allow me to preach to the people He was The One. He told me to wait until He was no more among us. And then I could tell the people what I wanted to of Him. So this went on for a time. And today, after about 32 years, the Truth of this Mighty One, the Long-looked-for-to-come All Mighty God, IN PERSON! (1)

...You are surrounded with water. The Great Pacific Ocean stretches out several thousand square miles. Millions of square miles. Here you thinks that you were safe. No Nation could attack you between these two great oceans. You was long ways from any attacker. This was in the heads of your fathers. But today you find that the earth is very narrow. With modern transportation. Circling around the earth in less than a days time. You have learned that you are not out of the reach of God, Who can find us wherever we may be. As The Book teaches you, even though you may go an ascend above the clouds or into the heavens, or at the bottom of the ocean, nevertheless He will get us just the same. No way to hide. The Judgment has come. Who shall be the Judge. According to the Bible in the 25th chapter and the 30th verse to the 34th verse of the 25th chapter of Matthew (the Bible), it teaches us like this, according to the prophecy of Jesus, at least its put here as the words of Jesus. Goes something like this. When the Son of Man shall come in His Glory and all the holy angels with Him, then shall He sit upon the throne of His Glory. Here. Let's take a look at this. When the Son of Man shall come in His Glory. In His Time. And in the Day or Year that He should take for Himself to rule the people in righteousness and Judge the unrighteous and give to the righteous, their reward and bring upon the unrighteous, the consequences of their doings of evil. He shall sit upon the throne of His Glory. He shall, not say have a seat, sitting down, but He has the power that He is now ready to execute within His own hands. Within His own Person, to do according to Justice and righteousness as it was predicted for Him to do before His appearance. Thirty-second: And before Him shall be gathered all Nations. Think over this. Before Him shall be gathered all Nations. Not one but all the Nations. And He shall separated them, one from another.

Did you say you didn't want to be separated, my poor Black people, here in America? But here, it is written that you shall be separated. It is prophesied and written in the Book of Moses, that in the beginning God separated the sons of Adam. The sons of Adam meaning the various colors that was made through grafting the color white out of Blackman, so God, Almighty, To Whom Praise is due, has taught me, Master Fard Muhammad. Try and dispute anything. You can't do it today. Everything is made manifest. You can't do no disputing. You'd only make a fool of yourself, trying to dispute truth, when it has made its' appearance.

Here we have, that before Him shall be gathered all Nations. All the Nations of the earth, today, we bear witness, is now at war with each other. We bear witness that all the Nations today is now gathered before God, Almighty. Who shall Judge us? The Son of Man. Who is the Son of Man? Now, you ask the big question. It shall be answered. He's not a spirit. HE IS A MAN, HIMSELF! And only Man can judge or dictate or confer or have any sympathy in the affairs of a man. There is no interest that man takes in no life on the earth, as he takes in another man. He have no interest in trying to take in another life, a beast life, a fowl life, sea life, beast life, as He, Himself and His kind. He has great interest in the affairs of his fellow man. But not any other life. He will treat other life fairly, but He has too much superiority over other lives, therefore He looks upon them as a low creature to Himself and His Kind. The interest in the affairs of man. So The Son of Man must be the Judge of man. It takes Man, who are interested in man to sit as judge over man and man's affairs. I want you who has been taught that the Son of Man is some kind of spook or the Coming of the Son of Man is spooky and not flesh and blood, or matter, that we can see and feel, you have been made to believe other-than the real truth. Almighty God to Whom Praise is Due Forever, in the Person of Master Fard Muhammad demands you and me today to prove that God is such thing that has been taught to you and me, some kind of spirit or spook. He demands us to prove these things. He demands our teachers who have deceived us to prove such teachings, as God is something other than man. His appearance. His name should have taught us that God is a Man. His Name, the pronoun used for Masculine, should have taught us that God is a Man. His hearing. His seeing. And His thinking. And His revealing things to us in our language and His tender care for us. And His part taken in our affairs should have taught us that God is a Man. He sees. He hears. He knows. He acts like we and He is a Person. His wisdom is taught to us, Whom He pleases. He is a Man. The Son of Man. Why is He mentioned as The Son of Man, instead of just saying A Man shall sit and Judge the Nations of the World? But why He's referred to as Son of Man? It is to teach us this lesson. That He is part of a made man and part of an Original man, who had no beginning, nor ending. He's part of the two. He's part of the people, Whom He comes to Judge and to destroy. And He's part of the people that He comes to Save. This gives Him that particular good and merciful love for that people, the Aboriginal People of Whom He is part of. It gives Him that anger and that warlike spirit and that merciful like spirit of the enemy, whom He's part of. As you it in the Bible, He's made from both.

Let's take a look in the Revelation here. "And I saw a woman sitting in heaven, with a crown upon her head and the elders was with her and she had the moon under her feet. “These are symbolic things that is said to you, but nevertheless, she had a son. The woman was there with the son. Not a literal son. This woman is the mother of the Man. The Son of Man, born in heaven from a woman taken from the Caucasian people. But nevertheless was made pure. As you used to hear it said that Mary, God taking seven devils out of Mary in order to make her fit to bear Jesus.

I want you to know that this is not referring to Mary in Palestine, 2000 years ago. This is the mother of the Mahadiah, The Mahdi, as He's called by the Arab and by the Qur'an. The name Mahdi, or Mahadiah, means One coming at the end of the world, self-independent and self-guided and comes to guide others. He, Himself, is Self-Guided. This is God in Person. You find this in the 22nd Surah of the Qur'an.

Let us take a look, again. Since you have known that the Son of Man, as you made it Jesus 2000 years ago, that He was to be born and given a body suitable to condemn the wicked and to get among the wicked so that He could get a first-hand their evil doings. He comes among them, as the Jesus prophesied, without observation. This is a good way to not recognize a Man, when He looks like you. When He came among us, He looked something like us. He favored our people. We could let Him in. And I was one who let Him in my home. He ate with me for many days. I listened to His knock on my door. At that time, I had no doorbell. It was just a door. And He knocked on my door and I…

The Revelations, how it teachings of how He will knock on the door, whosoever let Him in and give Him food, He also would eat with them. So, now, I'm dining with Him. Because in those days, I was very hungry. Had not good food to eat.

Let's take another look at it. (Coughing) Pardon me. "And He shall separate them, one from another." "As a shepherd divides his sheep from the goat." Here the sheep, as you know, represent the righteous. The goat represents the wicked. Again, you know this to be true. Because you have read this time and again and again.

And the nature of a goat is mischief-making. And the nature of a sheep is peace and harmony. This is two animals very very good to describe the righteous and the wicked. And we know that Black people are not mischief-makers. They are very peaceful. If we are to ourselves, we do not seek to lynch and burn one another. We can always agree, if we are left alone. And keep the white man out of our home and out of our presence. And out of our problems that we want to solve for the makings of peace.

The Judgment, as this, you will find another album on the same subject, because this kind subject cannot be put on one album. It takes hours to bring you into the real of the Judgment that is now prevailing over the white world of man. It's a sad time and its a mean, wicked time. It's a time of anger. A time of warring, one against the other. A time of no spirit of God working among the evil-doers. They are let loose like wild animals to do all of their hearts desire of evil. Everything that they can imagine is evil, as it was in the Day of Sodom and Gomorrah, the Bible teaches us, that God said the very imagination of them was to do evil. And in the Days of Noah's flood, the same. The people's whole heart had gone over to the doings of evil. So it is today, as you see it.

The Son of Man, "Then shall the King say unto them on His right hand..." He's, now, the King. He was The Son of Man ... but when He gets them separated, He becomes the King. He shall say, to them on His right hand, "Come ye blessed of my father, the Creator of Heaven and Earth, inherit the Kingdom prepared for you from the foundation of the world." It was already the Kingdom of the Righteous. They were before the foundation of the evil race. They ruled in righteous. The earth was theirs. The earth still belongs to them. Come now, after the King conquers, this is what is said here. After He conquers the goats, put the goats to themselves, out of the pasture of the righteous, He says now, "This is your Kingdom. It was yours in the Beginning. And now take your kingdom and be at peace. Enjoy it. It was created for you." Wonderful my people! There is no beginning to Black. We have no birth record of Him. The earth belongs to the Black people. It is not something they have to fight for. It's already theirs. They just take for themselves now and rule it. And become the entire power of it, as it is already their home. Their fathers made it for us to enjoy. An enemy came in and made us an enemy. But this is the end. This is the Judgment of the enemy.

“ give Freedom to me, and my people, who were slaves to devils in this wicked Hell of North America.”

We are going to move further and further into this subject. He says, that it was prepared for the righteous from the beginning. Then He comes in the 35th verse, in a Time of the Judgment, for this work is in the Time of the Judgment. When He made His appearance among them, He sometime was hungry. Sometime He was naked. We bought him clothes. We gave Him food. This is true. For I was hungry and he gave me meat. I was thirsty, he gave me drink. I was a stranger and you took me in. I was a stranger in the country in the country. No one knew who I was, but you took me in. So, now, enter into the joy of your Lord. Be happy. I have conquered the world. In words He's saying now. And I want to pay you for your kindness to Me, when I was not known. Only you, I revealed Myself to. Now, I want you to know, that I want to reward you for feeding, and clothing and sheltering me in the days when I was not known by this world. Enter into the joy. I want to make you happy. It is all yours.

Let's see what the Holy Qur'an has to say about this. The Holy Qur'an also mentions the Judgment as being a time when all the nations would be gathered together. He says, here, which makes it a little more plainer to us, under the title of ___________ in the fourth section, 28th verse of the Chapter or Surah 45 of the Holy Qur'an. The 28th verse says, "And you shall see every Nation kneeling down. Every Nation shall be called to it's Book. Today you shall be rewarded for what did". Think over that.

Every Nation kneeling down. Every Nation submitting to the Record that they kept themselves in their own Book. Every Nation has a Book of records. They call it the History of that Nation. All God wants man to do, and that Day and in this Day and time we are living in, to submit to your own doing. As the Holy Qur'an teaches us, around the 76th or 75th Surah, that man will be made to confess his own doing and will not charge his own evil to another. It goes something like this, "The spirit of self, the self-accusing spirit, or self accuses self of it's shortcomings." I say to you. It says here in the 29th verse of the 45th Chapter...This is our book that speaks against you with Justice. He comes to do justice. See the finishing of this on the second album, The Judgment. Buy both for the same price. Thank you. (2)

This day February 26, 1877, Fifty nine years ago, in Heaven the Holy City Mecca, a Savior was born.

From the bearers of Heaven's throne, a voice raised high and mighty Master W.D. Fard Muhammad, have been born the mighty King. save me, and my people who were lost, Blind, Deaf, and Dumb. Dead to the knowledge of everything.

Born..Hath he, to intercede, for me, and my people in this Judgment Day. give life to me and my people, that we might live. give Freedom to me, and my people, who were slaves to devils in this wicked Hell of North America. give Justice, to we lost founds, who never knew what it was before. give Equality with the Angels of Paradise. save the fallen sons of the Tribe of Shabazz from the wicked grasp of Yakub's made devil and satan. destroy with unquenchless fire, the enemy of we Lost People that the work of Yakub's made devil will never revive. unite the Lost Sheep who went astray in 1555 with the 4,400,000,000 of his Nation. restore all Black Mankind into one Love together.

Born...The Lord of the Worlds! destroy the old world; and bring in the new world.

Born...the Wisest of all, the most Merciful, the most Loving, the Almighty, the knower of what is in man's heart, the Doer of what he pleases...There is no God but Him, in the Earth, not in the heavens above the Earth. I shall forever remember this day, the 26th of February, 1877, and my off spring too. To keep a fast of joy with all my poor lost found Nation, whom this, Our Savior the King was born; I shall not eat any food this day until the sun goes down. This I will do, that my heart, and my body be not hindered, from giving praise to my King that was born this day, whose light of Love, Freedom, Justice, and Equality, is greater to me than the Sun, Moon, and Stars.

Now come all you lost founds, and praise the name of our Savior and King, who was born, and we have reclaimed our own.

He gave to us his Holy Name and calls everyone of us by own. All praise be to Our Savior, the Almighty ALLAH. The Strong, the Giver of Life. Praise him, you who have reclaimed your own, and know him as your Savior and King. Forever and ever, let the Universe Praise Him. (3)






1. Messenger Elijah Muhammad, “Master Fard Muhammad Not a Silk Peddler” transcribed from an audio taped Radio Broadcast,

2. Messenger Elijah Muhammad, “Explanation of Master Fard Muhammad” transcribed from an audio cassette tape,

3. Messenger Elijah Muhammad, “Happy Saviour’s Day” written and sent to #1 Michigan, February 26, 1936

who is master fard muhammad teachings


God Clark   A Fraction of Allah in the Person of Clark Wakil
One of the Gods of this Universe
Fulfilling My Duty as a Black man by Focusing on Self Preservation

Senior Consultant to the Kingdom of Islam

Clark is a senior consultant to the Kingdom of Islam. There is no big I's or little u's in Islam. Clark is always on the look out for Muslims acting like Christians. Clark is a member of the 12th Tribe, The Ruling Tribe; not to be confused with the 13th Tribe, or the God Tribe. Clark does what Allah ask him to do. Allah trust Clark a lot. Clark likes to rule what Allah brings into existence and Clark does it fairly. Clark is easily known. Clark was put away for a period of time, however that time period is over now. Clark has many things in life not working in his favor, however this is a sign to the wise. When Clark is able to lift himself up from the mud of devil civilization; why can't you Black man? Clark and others of like mind are the ones that we have been waiting for. As Michael Jackson said, look at the "Man in the Mirror".

When there is time to relax I enjoy watching mixed martial arts, playing a game of chess, and occasionally a good movie or TV show. When I am no longer fulfilling my duty of leaving a family legacy behind; I will have returned from which I came. Back to the negative free zone of the Sun. Remember there is plenty of time to rest when you're dead. Until then; Up You Mighty Black man and Accomplish what You Will!



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